My Story
While sitting in church on Easter Morning of 2014, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, God made me hungry to read the Bible. Instead of listening to the message like I should have been, I suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to find the Love Chapter. I found it at Chapter 13 in the book of First Corinthians and went on the rest of the service to read chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16. But the real miracle came later that evening when I got home, and I couldn't wait to read the rest of First Corinthians. I had never been hungry to embrace the Bible like that the first 44 years of my life, but it hit me that morning like a ton of bricks and that hunger has never gone away since then.
If you have ever experienced something like this from God, you quickly realize that it's a work in progress. God has eternity behind him and eternity in front of him, so his timeline is usually a little slower than ours. Since that Easter morning, I have poured over the Bible, as well as thousands of pages of books and articles and many hours of podcasts. Eventually, I knew it was time to put all that studying to good use and start teaching the Bible to others, and that that was God's purpose for me all along.
In 2018, I began teaching, both one-on-one and to larger groups. As the Covid pandemic hit in 2020, I was forced to quit teaching in person, and started teaching online. My very first night of teaching online, a husband and wife signed on from Utah, and I quickly realized the potential of online teaching, and the ability to reach people all over the United States. At first, teaching online wasn't ideal and it was definitely a learning curve! But Acts 11:19-21 reminded me that God can use a bad situation such as a pandemic to further his purpose. Before long, people as far away as Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indiana, Florida, and of course, Central Kentucky, were joining in.
My style is simple. I teach. I don't preach. I like to laugh and keep it light-hearted as we learn. I don't claim to be a scholar, I'm just a guy who loves to geek-out on the Bible.
When I'm not teaching the Bible I'm usually burning up the roads with my day-job as a corporate freelance photographer. I'm an avid deer hunter with my family roots coming from both eastern and central Kentucky. My wife Natalie and I have spent most of our adult lives in Richmond, Kentucky with our three kids, Nolan, Cameron, and Laura.
May God Bless You!
Tim Webb