Biblical Timeline
Abraham 2166-1991 BCIsaac 2066-1886 BCJacob 2006-1859 BCJoseph 1915-1805 BCMoses 1526-1406 BCThe Exodus 1446 BCJoshua 1466-1356 BC
Israelites Enter The Promised Land 1406 BCSaul rules Israel 1050-1010 BCDavid rules Israel 1010-970 BCSolomon rules Israel 970-930 BCSolomon's Temple Dedicated 959 BCDivided Kingdom 930 BCIsrael Falls (Assyrians) 722 BCBabylon over Assyria 612 BCThe Exile Begins 605 BC
1st Babylonian Invasion (Daniel) 605 BC2nd Babylonian Invasion (Ezekiel) 597 BC3rd Babylonian Invasion, (Exile) 8-14-586 BCGod’s spirit leaves the Temple 593 BCPersia defeats Babylon 539 BCThe Exile Ends 536 BC2nd Temple Dedicated 516 BCEzra 538-430 BCNehemiah 430 BCEsther March 7, 473 BCRebuild Jerusalem Decree March 14, 445 BCMalachi 430 BCGreece defeats Persia 331 BCPompey defeats Jerusalem 63 BCHerod The Great King of Judea 37-4 BCTemple Restoration begins 20 BC
Jesus Christ is Born 4 BC
Christ's Ministry 29-32 ADPaul's Conversion 34 ADJames/Galatians 49 ADJerusalem Council 50 AD1st Thessalonians 51 AD2nd Thessalonians 51 AD1st Corinthians 55 AD2nd Corinthians 55ADRomans 57 ADEphesians 61Philippians 61 ADColossians 61 ADPhilemon 61 AD1st Timothy 64 ADTitus 64 ADActs 64 AD2nd Timothy 67 ADPeter Martyred 67 ADPaul Martyred 68 AD2nd Temple Destroyed 70 ADRevelation 95 ADConstantine's Conversion 312 ADRoman Empire Split 364 ADMuhammad’s Revelation 610 ADMuslim Rule Begins in Jerusalem 634 ADDome of the Rock was completed 692 ADThe Crusades 1000-1200 ADPrinting Press 1450Protestant Reformation 1517Ottomans Conquer Palestine 1556Jewish immigration returns to Palestine 1880sBritish defeat Ottomans 1917Modern Israel May 14, 1948The Israeli Six-Day War June 5-10, 1967U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem May 14, 2018Israel signs peace agreement with United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Chad, & Morocco 2020Israeli police forces storm Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount April 4, 2023Hamas kills 1,200 Israelis in surprise attack October 7, 2023
Christ's Ministry 29-32 ADPaul's Conversion 34 ADJames/Galatians 49 ADJerusalem Council 50 AD1st Thessalonians 51 AD2nd Thessalonians 51 AD1st Corinthians 55 AD2nd Corinthians 55ADRomans 57 ADEphesians 61Philippians 61 ADColossians 61 ADPhilemon 61 AD1st Timothy 64 ADTitus 64 ADActs 64 AD2nd Timothy 67 ADPeter Martyred 67 ADPaul Martyred 68 AD2nd Temple Destroyed 70 ADRevelation 95 ADConstantine's Conversion 312 ADRoman Empire Split 364 ADMuhammad’s Revelation 610 ADMuslim Rule Begins in Jerusalem 634 ADDome of the Rock was completed 692 ADThe Crusades 1000-1200 ADPrinting Press 1450Protestant Reformation 1517Ottomans Conquer Palestine 1556Jewish immigration returns to Palestine 1880sBritish defeat Ottomans 1917Modern Israel May 14, 1948The Israeli Six-Day War June 5-10, 1967U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem May 14, 2018Israel signs peace agreement with United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Chad, & Morocco 2020Israeli police forces storm Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount April 4, 2023Hamas kills 1,200 Israelis in surprise attack October 7, 2023