My Influences
Dr. Bill Creacy, Bible Teacher
Dr. Bill Creacy with Logos Bible Study, was one of my first big influences. Dr. Creacy is a retired UCLA English professor who has spent most of his life teaching the Bible. I automatically fell in love with his style because he's a teacher, not a preacher (not that I have anything against preachers). Dr. Creacy does a great job of explaing the history, geography, and culture of the Bible, which made it easier for me to understand. He has spent a great deal of time exploring the Holy Lands during his teaching career, which allows him to bring the Bible to life and put it into context. He teaches the Bible not only as the true word of God, but also as a grand piece of literature, no different than Shakespeare. I have spent many hours driving down the road listening to his audiobooks on iTunes.
Got Questions Ministries
When I first started pouring over the Bible in 2014 I had so many questions, and my local pastor could only answer so many at a time. That’s when I discovered Got Questions Ministries, an internet site designed solely for answering Biblical questions. Currently, they have over 600,000 searchable answers, that are thought-provoking and thoroughly based on scripture. They offer mainly written answers, as well as podcasts and videos.
The Bible Project
If there was ever a Bible-learning website that was designed for the millennial age, it's The Bible Project with Tim Mackie and Jon Collins. Their state-of-the-art animated videos, detailed sketches, blogs, and podcasts make learning the Bible simple and fun, with a contemporary twist. This is definitely not your grandfather's Bible study!
Bible Prophecy Talk
I have been studying the End Times in some form or fassion since I was a kid listening to my Dad geek-out on it with our minister Joe Hager at the Clay City Christian Church. I have studied a lot of End Times teachers since then, but I have learned more from Chris White through his Bible Prophecy Talk podcasts and You Tube videos than anyone else, as he aligns with my views as a futurist, a premillennialist, and a dispinsationalist, who beleives in a prewrath rapture. While I don't always agree with him, I have gained a great deal of resepct for Chris because he thoroughly does his homework with biblical research and sticks with what the scriptures say about the End Times, rather than leaning on wishful thinking and specualtion.